Behavioral Techniques Resources

Behavioral techniques are a core component of many evidence-based psychotherapies, including Prolonged Exposure, CBT for Insomnia, and CBT for Depression, just to name a few. These techniques have in common a focus on changing behaviors to improve mood and overall functioning.
Below you'll find forms, documents, and other resources on Behavioral Techniques. If there are other forms or resources you'd like to see, let us know and we'll try to add them.

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Sleep Diary
A sample two-week sleep diary

Pleasant Events Schedule

Table Sleep Diary
A sleep diary in table form

Pleasure Predicting Worksheet

Introducing Activity Monitoring
This video is an example of how to introduce activity monitoring to a patient.

Activity Monitoring: Establishing Pleasure/Mastery Ratings
This is an example of how to establish pleasure and mastery ratings with a patient for the purpose of engaging in activity monitoring.

Reviewing the Activity Monitoring Forms
This video is a follow-up to the activity monitoring videos. It occurs one week later and is an example of how to review the Activity Monitoring Forms with a patient.

Relaxation Response - Breathing Exercise
In this clip the therapist describes the relaxation response and guides the client in a short exercise to slow his breathing. The therapist takes advantage of observable signs of tension in the client to introduce the topic. After guiding the client through one iteration, he checks in and instructs the client to practice several iterations in order to feel the relaxation effect.

In Vivo Exposure
In this clip the therapist introduces in vivo exposure by way of a metaphor, comparing the client’s hypervigilence to an alarm system that is too sensitive to give accurate readings. As he gives the rationale, he refers back to the metaphor to help explain the principles. Notice how the therapist avoids arguing with the client and instead, validates his concerns about safety while on missions, but distinguishes that context from other contexts at home where vigilance is not warranted.

In Vivo Rationale
In this clip the therapist describes how exposure blocks avoidance preventing positive reinforcement of escape. She uses an analogy to a child crying for a treat to make thee terms seem less technical. She then follows up with the points of the rationale for in vivo exposure, putting it in terms that show the “payoff” for the client. She also points out that the effects of exposure are not always immediate and may require practice, preparing the client to continue with the exercises even if they are difficult at first.

Revisiting In Vivo List - Final Session
This clip demonstrates post-treatment review of the in vivo hierarchy after successful completion of treatment. In summarizing the client's success evidenced by decreased SUDs ratings, the therapist helps the client verbalize how the ratings are connecting to decreased distress and greater enjoyment of activities.

Creating SUDS Anchors
In this clip the therapist explains the use of the SUDs scale and demonstrates how to elicit SUDs anchors from the client. This also includes an explanation for why the SUDs scale should not include anchors, usually trauma related, that may change with treatment.

CBT-I Stimulus Control
In this video, the therapist introduces the concept of stimulus control with a conversational approach, allowing the patient to voice concerns and addressing them in a non-confrontational style. 

Blog: Review of Exposure Therapy for Anxiety - Principles and Practice
Dr. Kelly Chrestman reviews the book "Exposure Therapy for Anxiety: Principles and Practice" which serves as a comprehensive guide to the behavioral principles of exposure therapy.

Setting Agenda for Session
In this clip the therapist beings by validating the client's courage for engaging in treatment. He then sets the agenda both for the session and the course of treatment. Embedded in this description however, are numerous reassuring phrases targeting the unspoken (and sometimes) spoken apprehension a client may feel when beginning exposure.

In Vivo Instructions and Assigning of Homework
In this clip the therapist demonstrates negotiation of homework assignments, including specific instructions about how the client should approach the in vivo exercise when practicing at home.