CPT Session Notes

This series of brief videos reviews the key agenda items and interventions for each session in the CPT protocol.  These videos are designed to complement the CPT manual (Resick, Monson, & Chard, 2016), but are not intended to substitute for the two-day CPT workshop and expert consultation. 

PHASE 1: Pretreatment Assessment and Pretreament Issues

Pretreatment Considerations:

PHASE 2: Education Regarding PTSD, Thoughts, and Emotions

Session #1: Overview of CPT and PTSD
Session #2: Examining the Impact of Trauma
Session #3: Working with Events, Thoughts, and Feelings

PHASE 3: Processing the Trauma

Session #4: Examining the Index Trauma

Session #5: Using the Challenging
Questions Worksheet

CPT + A Phase 3: Sessions #4-5

PHASE 4: Learning to Challenge

Session #6: Patterns of Problematic Thinking

CPT Session Notes: Session 7 Challegning Beliefs Worksheet and Introduction to Modules

Session #7: Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
and Introduction to Modules

PHASE 5: Trauma Themes

CPT Session Notes Phase 5: Trauma Themes

Sessions #8-11: Trauma Themes


PHASE 6: Facing the Future

CPT Session Notes: Session 12 Processing Intimacy and the Final Impact Statement

Session #12: Processing Intimacy and
the Final Impact Statement