A Unique Civilian One-Week Training Event in Support of Star Behavioral Health Providers (SBHP)

Atlanta GA


The Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) is pleased to announce a unique training opportunity for civilian licensed mental health providers in support of SBHP. SBHP is a tier-based continuing education program offering CE credits to clinical professionals through up-to-date workshops focused on the unique needs of the military community at no cost. Note: All expenses related to travel are the attendee’s responsibility.

Participants are encouraged to attend the entire one-week program in order to receive comprehensive training for working with the military/veteran population. However, participants can select to attend individual tiers.

Training Tiers Overview: 

Training Tiers Overview

Please direct any questions regarding our 1-week civilian training program to Ms. Christina Myers cmyers@deploymentpsych.org.

Please direct any questions regarding registration issues and/or this website to
Chris Adams

The Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) is a tri-service psychology training consortium headquartered at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) in Bethesda, Maryland. As the Nation’s only federal health sciences university, USU is committed to excellence in military medicine and public health during peace and war.​