Blog posts with the tag "By the Numbers"

By the Numbers - June 24, 2013

1.4 million and 10 million

The number of service members on active duty versus the number of people who are currently eligible for military health benefits, according to the Congressional Budget Office, which explains, "In addition to active-duty military personnel, the people who have access to health benefits include eligible family members of those personnel, retired military personnel and their eligible family members, survivors of service members who died while on active duty, and some members of the reserves and National Guard."

By the Numbers - June 10, 2013

92% and 26%

The percentages, respectively, of veterans ages 25+ who have a high school diploma and a bachelors degree, according to an infographic from the U.S. Census Bureau, A Snapshot of Our Nation's Veterans.  According to the Census Bureau, veterans are more likely than the average American to have a high school diploma but less likely to have earned a bachelor's degree.

By the Numbers - June 3, 2013


The percentage of U.S. servicemembers who have family responsibilities, according to a recently published article in the journal Pediatrics -- Health and Mental Health Needs of Children in US Military Families.  According to the article, "Up to 2 million US children have been exposed to a wartime deployment of a loved one in the past 10 years."  The article is intended as a clinical report for all pediatricians, civilian and military.

By the Numbers - May 20, 2013

8 percent and 100 percent

The increase in the hospitalization rate for military members between 2002 and 2006 versus the increase between 2006 and 2012, according to an editorial in the April issue of the Medical Surveillance Monthly Report, a publication of the Armed Forces Surveillance Center. Once again it's true that a picture is worth a thousand words.  The editorial -- Signature Scars of the Long War -- contains this dramatic graph.
