Blog posts with the tag "Practically Speaking"

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - “If We Say All the Right Things, Everyone Will Love This Episode: Talking about the Just World Belief ”

Dr. Kevin Holloway

How many of us, as behavioral health providers, work very hard to do exactly the right thing with every client in every session? Of course! We all want to provide the best possible care and have our clients eel better. Sometimes we get caught up in the notion that if we do or say just the right things at just the right time in just the right way, we can expect all clients to make spectacular progress and enjoy significantly improved symptoms. It makes our world predictable, and perhaps even contributes to feeling validated that we are doing a good job.
Listen to the latest episode of CDP's Podcast, "Practical for Your Practice" here!

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode “Take That Nap! Strategies and Tips for Working with the Sleep Deprived”

Dr. Jenna Ermold

When we think of “sleep problems” most of the time our brains go to insomnia – that group of people we work with who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite adequate opportunity to sleep. But what about the opposite side of the sleep coin… or pillow, if you will? What about the group of folks who desperately want sleep, need sleep, crave sleep AND could sleep if only given adequate opportunity to do so? In this week’s episode, we sit down, once again, with one of CDP’s sleep experts, Dr. Diana Dolan, to talk about sleep deprivation and the associated functional impairments

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode “Making Room for Emotion - Emotionally Focused Therapy for Military Couples”

Dr. Jenna Ermold

Let’s face it, romantic relationships can be challenging for many under the best of circumstances requiring attention and hard work to navigate the challenges that life can throw at any couple. Romantic relationships + military service? The challenges can feel like they are on steroids. Frequent moves, separation during training, long work hours, deployments… all very standard military-specific stressors that couples endure on top of the usual life stressors.
