Deployment Psychology Blog

By the Numbers: 27 November 2023


The average amount spent on "out-of-pocket costs related to caregiving each year" by family members and others "who provide care for veterans," according to AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving. This is "1.5 times higher than what other family caregivers spend ($7,242)." Also, "43 percent of veteran and military caregivers experienced at least one financial setback such as having to take on more debt or dip into personal savings."

By the Numbers: 20 November 2023


The percentage of veterans who "met criteria for past-year serious psychological distress," according to a recent report from the RAND Corporation -- A Summary of Veteran-Related Statistics. The report noted that this percentage is "significantly higher among female, gay/lesbian, bisexual, and post-9/11 veterans". Additional data points:

Research Update: 16 November 2023

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● An examination of relationship satisfaction as a predictor of outcomes of brief couple therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder.
● External Validation and Updating of a Statistical Civilian-Based Suicide Risk Model in US Naval Primary Care.
● Association of Chronic Pain With Alcohol Consumption and Tobacco Use in Active Duty Soldiers.

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode: “WETting” Our Toes in Trauma Treatment Options”

Dr. Kevin Holloway

One of the issues that all providers are faced with in their clinical practice is deciding what treatment options might fit best with a client who has PTSD. While our brains often go to the first line treatments like PE, CPT and EMDR, sometimes a 10 - 12 session protocol isn't the best fit for the client in front of us who can’t commit to that treatment length or has other reasons that drive a different approach. To truly provide patient-driven care, we, as clinicians, need to have other EBP options at-the-ready to meet our clients where they are. In this episode of Practical for your Practice, CDP’s own Dr. Paula Domenici joins us to talk about her experience with using Written Exposure Therapy (WET) and how it has enhanced her clinical practice.
