CDP News: July 11, 2014

CDP News: July 11, 2014

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. We missed last week due to the holiday, so there's plenty to catch up on this time around.

First up, on yesterday and today we presented our first online Cognitive Processing Therapy training via Adobe Connect. We had a sizable group of attendees from all across the country for this two-day training. As with any new event, there were a few hitches, but on the whole the training went very well. It's always nice to be able to expand the reach of our training and work with people who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend. 

We've got another online Prolonged Exposure Therapy training in Second Life coming up on 28-29 August. There are still a few slots available, so if you're interested in attending sign up today! However, if you're unable to attend, we'll also be adding more online training events to our calendar in the near future, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia as well as more PE and CPT sessions. So keep an eye on our training calendar, Facebook, and Twitter pages for the most up-to-date information on these events.

If you're looking for in-person training, our Pacific Northwest Regional 1-Week Civilian training is a great opportunity for providers to enhance their skills in working with a military population. It's great for those who already have military clients, as well as those who are interested in getting started working with a military population. The course will run from 15-19 September in Portland, OR. For more information, please visit the event page here.

Speaking of upcoming events, next week CDP staff will be delivering several training sessions as part of the Star Behavioral Health Providers program. We'll be in California, Michigan, and Georgia to help train providers in these states.

In this week's Staff Perspective column, "The Problem of the 'Hero' Label", Dr. Paula Domenici took a look at a recent op-ed piece in the Washington Post, which focused on the difficulties that arise from labeling all Service members as "heroes". It's a very interesting topic that's well-worth a look. Don't forget to check out this week's Research Update as well. It's a compilation of the latest journals articles, relevant news, and useful links from around the Web.

Finally, on a sadder note, this week we've got to say good-bye to a member of the CDP staff, as Dr. Brynn Huyssen is unfortunately leaving us. We wish her the best of luck going forward and everyone here is certainly going to miss having her around. 

That's all for this time around. Have a great weekend everyone and we'll see you next week!
