Practical for Your Practice, Season 2, Episode 2: tress Is...Your Friend? Reinterpreting Stress as Fuel for Performance

Practical for Your Practice album coverEpisode 2, Season 2: "Stress Is...Your Friend? Reinterpreting Stress as Fuel for Performance"

Guest: Dr. Gabe Paoletti

Who isn’t stressed these days? Stress seems ubiquitous in ourselves, our clients, and everyone else! The good news? According to our guest this episode, Dr. Gabe Paoletti, stress doesn’t have to mean that things are going wrong. Stress is actually an indicator of the things that matter to us and what we care about.

Listen with us as Dr. Paoletti stresses reorienting our approach from “feeling good” to “doing good.”




Show Notes:
Dr. Paoletti , is a Mental Fitness Scientist at the Uniformed Services University’s Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP). He is a subject matter expert in mental skills, positive and performance psychology, resilience, and leadership. Dr. Paoletti translates basic and clinical research to create culturally appropriate, evidence-based, impactful written and multimedia educational resources and presentations in the Human Performance Resources by CHAMP (HPRC) team.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


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This podcast is produced by the Center for Deployment Psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. The views expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Uniformed Services University, the Department of Defense, or the US Government. In addition, reference to any specific company, products, processes, or services does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement by the Uniformed Services University, the Department of Defense, or the US Government.