CDP Presents: An Overview of Adaptive Disclosure-Enhanced - A Flexible Cross-Cutting Treatment for Moral Injury via Zoom, 18 June 2025
Event Details
Cost:$0.00CE Credits:YesDate and Time:2025-06-18 12:00 to 13:30 (EDT)Course type:WebinarRegistration deadline:2025-06-18Audience:PublicAddress: Online via Zoom, US
Course information
CDP Presents: An Overview of Adaptive Disclosure-Enhanced - A Flexible Cross-Cutting Treatment for Moral Injury via Zoom
18 June 2025, Noon to 1:30 p.m. Eastern
Description: Moral injury is a measurable potential clinical syndrome defined as significantly functionally impairing alterations in: (a) self- and other-perception (i.e., shifts in ideas about personal or collective humanity), (b) moral thinking (i.e., moralistic judgments of oneself and others [e.g., self-censure, condemnation]), (c) social behavior (i.e., social exclusion, social rejection; loss of valued, valuing, and kindred attachments), (d) moral emotions and moods (i.e., the self-conscious emotions of guilt and shame and the other-condemning emotions of anger and disgust), (e) self-harming or self-sabotaging, and (f) changes in beliefs about life meaning and purpose (e.g., emptiness, purposelessness, questioning faith and the meaning of life) indexed to a worst and most currently distressing experience that entails doing or failing to do (agentic) or directly experiencing or bearing witness to (nonagentic) acts that violate the social contract and transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations.
In this webinar, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of Adaptive Disclosure-Enhanced (AD-E), which is an evidence-based, structured, cross-cutting, experiential psychotherapy designed to address chiefly target moral injury. AD-E builds upon the original Adaptive Disclosure framework by integrating letter-writing, mindfulness, and loving-kindness meditation. AD-E prioritizes functional recovery through daily reparative activities aimed at restoring faith in humanity or one’s own humanity and fostering valuing and valued social connections and kindred activities. By the end of this session, participants will understand the social-functional model of morality, moral behavior, and moral injury, understand the symptoms of moral injury and how to assess them, and gain a session-by-session understanding of how Adaptive Disclosure-Enhanced can serve as a versatile and compassionate treatment for moral injury. Potential benefits, as well as common challenges and considerations for practitioners using AD-E, will be reviewed.
Please note: While registration is slated to end once the webinar begins on 18 June 2025, space in this event is limited and registration will close once capacity has been reached, even if this is before the final registration date.
Target Audience: For behavioral health/healthcare providers who treat military personnel, veterans, and their families.
To access the course, on the day of the event, log into your account here: and click on the green "Launch Webinar" button.
System Requirements:
This course will be presented via Zoom teleconferencing software. Zoom is browser-based, however an add-in may need to be installed before attending. Participants can test their computer's capabilities by clicking here (or visiting We recommend those using Internet connections on government or military locations test their ability to load Zoom in advance of the event to ensure there are no technical difficulties. Microphones and webcams are not necessary, but you will need a computer with working speakers or headphones. If you encounter connection difficulties when using your computer, the Zoom app is also available for iOS and Android devices.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will be able to:
- Explain the social-functional model of moral injury and its implications for mental health and well-being.
- Differentiate key foundational principles of AD-E from other trauma-focused therapies
Continuing Education Details:
The Center for Deployment Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Center for Deployment Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The Center for Deployment Psychology offers attendees 1.5 credit hours for participation in this training.
Participant attendance data will be collected electronically during webinars. There is a 30-day time limit post-training to complete all CE requirements. If you do not wish to complete the evaluation, please contact the training event's POC after the training event. Partial credits cannot be issued.
Inquiries regarding CE credits may be directed via email to Jeremy Karp at CEs provided by American Psychological Association sponsors are acceptable for most licensed professionals when renewing their license and it is our experience that these CE credits have been recognized by most professional state license boards. However, please check with your board regarding the acceptability of these CE credits for this activity.
For additional details, please click here or on the "CE DETAILS" button at the top of the page.
For technical issues, please contact Mr. Jeremy Karp ( or Mr. Chris Adams (