CDP Presents: Eating Disorders - General and Military-Relevant Considerations

Reports from sources such as the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center suggest that more than 5,000 Service members were diagnosed with eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa and bulimia, between 2003 and 2017. Given that receiving such diagnoses is a potential threat to a Service member's career and may be cause for separation, underreporting of related symptoms and behaviors is common and the prevalence of eating disorders in the military may, in reality, be much higher.Further complicating the issue, members of the military face a combination of factors that likely place them at increased risk for developing these conditions, including enhanced physical and psychological demands of their jobs and the intense pressure to meet and maintain the military’s strict fitness standards and weight limits.

In this webinar, we will further discuss the challenges associated with identifying, screening for, and ultimately treating these serious disorders in military populations as well as methods to ensure that those in need of specialized care are encouraged to seek it.


Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Evaluate common clinical presentations and risk factors for eating disorders among specific military subgroups, including active-duty service members, veterans, and dependent youth.
  2. Integrate appropriate assessments and evidence-based treatments for eating disorders into clinical practice when working with military populations.