CDP Presents - Mind-Body Interventions for PTSD: Review of Evidence and Future Directions

In this 89-minute webinar, participants will learn about complementary and integrative interventions to enhance physical and psychological health and wellness in individuals exposed to trauma. The session will describe active mind-body treatments and review the empirical literature that supports mindfulness, yoga, tai chi, and relaxation interventions for PTSD. An ongoing study of Tai Chi and Wellness for Gulf War veterans will be reviewed.

The presenters will review current theories regarding pathways of action for mind-body interventions. They will demonstrate methods for integrating mind-body interventions with evidence-based approaches through presentation of case studies. Participants will be led through two brief experiential exercises. Participants will leave with knowledge about the potential benefits of using mind-body interventions in the treatment of PTSD and other post-deployment symptoms.

For a brief overview of the presentation, check out the Bottom Line, Up Front (B.L.U.F.) below!

Learning Objectives:
After this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Evaluate the current literature on active mind-body interventions for veterans and Service members diagnosed with PTSD
  2. Practice two mind-body exercises intended to enhance skills when promoting and delivering these therapies.
  3. Develop strategies for integrating mind-body adjunctive interventions in conjunction with evidence-based PTSD treatment planning and delivery for veterans and Service members