Practical for Your Practice: Improving Our EBP Practice by “Doing” Instead of “Knowing.”

Practical for Your Practice album coverEpisode 2, Season 5: Improving Our EBP Practice by “Doing” Instead of “Knowing.”

Hosts: Drs. Andy Santanello, Carin Lefkowitz & Kevin Holloway

On this episode, Carin and Kevin are joined by long-time host and Friend of CDP, Dr. Andy Santanelllo. Andy has been focused on dissemination and implementation science through The ACT Academy, and returns to the P4P Podcast to share ideas about how we can deliver EBPs more consistently and competently.

His suggestions are not just aspirational or “fanciful,” but rather small tweaks that we can make to existing training, supervision, and consultation efforts. Join us as we catch up with Andy and discuss ways to merge cutting-edge science with practical applications for learners, instructors, supervisors, consultants, and everyone in between.

Show Notes:

Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

  1. The ACT Academy website:
  2. References from today’s discussion:
    Batten, S. V., & Santanello, A. P. (2009). A contextual behavioral approach to the
         role of emotion in psychotherapy supervision. Training and Education in
         Professional Psychology
    , 3(3), 148–156.
    Frank HE, Becker-Haimes EM, Kendall PC. Therapist training in
         evidence-based interventions for mental health: A systematic review of training
         approaches and outcomes. Clin Psychol (New York). 2020 Sep;27(3):e12330.
         doi: 10.1111/cpsp.12330. PMID: 34092941; PMCID: PMC8174802.
    Shiner B, Leonard Westgate C, Simiola V, Thompson R, Schnurr PP, Cook JM.
         Measuring Use of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for PTSD in VA Residential
         Treatment Settings with Clinician Survey and Electronic Medical Record Templates. Mil
         Med. 2018 Sep 1;183(9-10):e539-e546. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usy008. PMID:
         29547909; PMCID: PMC6115864.
    Thompson, Brian & Luoma, Jason & Terry, Christeine & Lejeune, Jenna &
         Guinther, Paul & Robb, Harold. (2015). Creating a peer-led acceptance and
         commitment therapy consultation group: The Portland model. Journal of
         Contextual Behavioral Science. 4. 10.1016/j.jcbs.2014.11.004.
    Valenstein-Mah, H., Greer, N., McKenzie, L. et al. Effectiveness of training
         methods for delivery of evidence-based psychotherapies: a systematic review.
         Implementation Sci 15, 40 (2020).


This podcast is produced by the Center for Deployment Psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. The views expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Uniformed Services University, the Department of Defense, or the US Government. In addition, reference to any specific company, products, processes, or services does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement by the Uniformed Services University, the Department of Defense, or the US Government.