Cognitive Techniques Resources

Cognitive Techniques are a vital set of tools used in many evidence-based psychotherapies. These techniques are designed to help patients identify, challenge and modify maladaptive thoughts, beliefs and images.
Below you'll find forms, documents, and other resources on Cognitive Techniques. If there are other forms or resources you'd like to see, let us know and we'll try to add them.

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Cognitive Distortions

ABC Worksheet

5-Column Thought Record
This video is an example of how to introduce a 5-Column Thought Record to a patient.

Modifying Core Beliefs
This video is an example of how to begin to modify a patient's core beliefs once they've been identified.

Worry Time
In this video, the therapist introduces worry time as a cognitive technique to address mental activation.

Socratic Dialogue
Learn more about the definition and use of Socratic Dialogue here, via examples, blog entries, videos and other resources.

Downward Arrow Technique
A definition of the downward arrow technique. These slides serve as an accompaniment to the expert demonstrations in this section.

Downward Arrow Technique: Depression Treatment
This video features an example of how to use the Downward Arrow Technique to identify core beliefs in a client.

Downward Arrow Technique: Sleep Problems
In this video, the therapist explores with the patient the underlying meaning of a negative sleep-related belief using the downward arrow technique and leans that this meaning may extend beyond surface sleep concerns.