All New Email Addresses at CDP

The Center for Deployment Psychology recently transitioned all of the email addresses center-wide from the previous "" to "". While emails sent to the old address will continue to be delivered for the next few weeks, we ask that you update your address book with the new information as soon as possible to avoid any interruption in delivery.
All new email address for CDP staff and faculty can be found on our "Personnel" page here. If you have any questions or difficulties contacting a specific individual, please email CDP at

The Center for Deployment Psychology recently transitioned all of the email addresses center-wide from the previous "" to "". While emails sent to the old address will continue to be delivered for the next few weeks, we ask that you update your address book with the new information as soon as possible to avoid any interruption in delivery.
All new email address for CDP staff and faculty can be found on our "Personnel" page here. If you have any questions or difficulties contacting a specific individual, please email CDP at