CBT-D Videos Main Page

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Videos
Video Player IconBrief Mood Check
This video is an example of a straight forward mood check...Watch now
Video Player IconAgenda Setting
This video occurs in the same session as the Brief Mood Check. It is an Example of setting an agenda with a patient...Watch now
Video Player IconIntroducing Activity Monitoring
This video is an example of how to introduce activity monitoring to a patient...Watch now
Video Player IconActivity Monitoring: Establishing Pleasure/Mastery Ratings
This video continues where the previous one (Introducing Activity Monitoring) left off (part 2 of 3). It is an example of…Read More
Video Player IconActivity Monitoring: Assigning Homework
This video continues where the previous one (Activity Monitoring: Establighing Pleasure/Mastery Ratings) left off (part 3 of 3)…Read More
Video Player IconReviewing The Activity Monitoring Form
This video is a follow-up to the three activity monitoring videos. It occurs one week later and is an example of how to review the Activity…Read More
Video Player Icon5-Column Thought Record
This video is an example of how to introduce a 5-Column Thought Record to a patient…Watch now
Video Player IconIntroducing Core Beliefs/Downward Arrow Technique
This video is an example of how to introduce the concept of core beliefs to a patient, and how…Read More
Video Player IconModifying Core Beliefs
This video is a continuation of the previous video on Introducing Core Beliefs/Downward Arrow technique. It is an example of…Read More