Interactive Military Behavioral Health Timeline
Following the March 15 release of the CDP commissioned RAND report, Lessons Learned for Provisioning and Delivering U.S.
Following the March 15 release of the CDP commissioned RAND report, Lessons Learned for Provisioning and Delivering U.S.
The Center for Deployment Psychology commissioned RAND to conduct interviews with experts to capture lessons learned that could help prepare future military behavioral health providers. These experts were interviewed about the significant changes in the provision and delivery of behavioral health care in the U.S. military from 2003–2013.
The Center for Deployment Psychology is proud to announce the application period is now open for the 2021 iteration of the CDP's Summer Instiute: Preparing for a Psychology Career in the Military (CDPSI).
The Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) was recently requested to conduct training for Trinidad healthcare providers in support of the United States’ Southern Command, SOUTHCOM. The training was held following a request from the U.S.