Meet the Consultants

Consultation is an integral part of the Center for Deployment Psychology's mission to train and support behavioral health providers. CDP hosts consultation calls for all providers who have attended any of our PE and CPT training events (see for the schedule). We invite you to get to know some of the CDP faculty members who stand by for consultation questions on those and other evidence-based psychotherapies.

Prolonged Exposure Consultants

Kelly Chrestman, Ph.D., Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist
Hello! I am a licensed clinical psychologist leading EBP Clinical Support Services at CDP. It is my job to provide consultation support to clinicians trained in EBPs and to work with the CDP team to find new and better ways to link clinicians with traditional, as well as innovative resources that will help them implement EBPs more effectively. Before coming to CDP, I worked with Dr. Edna Foa at the University of Pennsylvania where we trained numerous students and mental health professionals from the United States and other countries in techniques for treating PTSD and other anxiety disorders. I am particularly interested in complications and co-morbidities that can sometimes make EBPs more challenging to implement. I currently live in San Antonio, TX with my son and my husband, who is retired from the Army. You can contact me at
Click to see my CDP bio.

Jenna Ermold, Ph.D., Associate Director, Training, Technology and Telehealth
Hello! I am a licensed clinical psychologist and the Associate Director of Training, Technology and Telehealth at CDP. In my current role, I oversee the development of online training materials for behavioral health clinicians to improve competency in working with military members and their families. I am trained by CDP to provide consultation in a variety of EBPs; however, at this time, I primarily provide consultation on PE for PTSD. I have been with the Center since 2006 and have experience providing PE consultation with active duty, DoD/VA civilian behavioral health providers, active duty psychology interns, and community mental health providers. I currently hail from Colorado and enjoy spending time with my three kids, skiing, hiking, and paddleboarding. You can contact me at
Click to see my CDP bio.

Kevin Holloway, Ph.D., CDP Director, Training, Technology and Telehealth
Hi, everyone! I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a Director of Training, Technology and Telehealth at CDP. My role allows me to oversee and be involved in a number of great projects here at CDP, including development of on-demand eLearning courses, real-time online workshops, and CDP's website. I have a passion for EBPs for PTSD, both using them in my clinical work and disseminating them to other behavioral health providers. Currently I provide consultation for PE therapy and have worked with active duty and DoD civilian behavioral health providers. I currently live in Frederick, MD with my wife and two children. You can contact me at
Click to see my CDP bio.

Paula Domenici, Ph.D., CDP Director, Training and Education
Hello! I'm a Director of Training and Education at CDP and one of the PE trainers and consultants based at our headquarters in Rockville, MD. I have previous experience working with Navy personnel and Marines at the National Naval Medical Center and with Vietnam, OIF and OEF veterans at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. My specialization is combat-related PTSD and PE, as well as helping parents of service members after their son or daughter returns from deployment. I currently live in Washington, DC near Dupont and Georgetown and love the city almost as much as PE! I would be happy to assist you with your PE cases. You can contact me at I hope to hear from you soon.
Click to see my CDP bio.

Amanda McCabe, Psy.D., Military Behavioral Health Psychologist
Hi! I am a licensed psychologist at the CDP in the role of a Military Behavioral Health Psychologist. In this capacity, I develop and deliver trainings on a variety of evidence-based therapies, including Prolonged Exposure. Prior to CDP, I was a psychologist in the Army from 2013 to 2024. During my time in the Army I attended a Fellowship for Trauma Treatments, where I specialized in Evidenced Based Therapies for PTSD. You can contact me at I look forward to speaking with you!
Click to see my CDP bio.


Cognitive Processing Therapy Consultants

Carin Lefkowitz, Psy.D., CDP Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist
Greetings! I am a licensed psychologist and a Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist for CDP. My main interests are in evidence-based treatments for PTSD and insomnia. While on staff at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, I became a certified provider of PE, CPT and CBT-I. I am also a certified CPT Trainer and Consultant. I especially enjoy helping patients (and their clinicians) consider which of these effective treatment(s) might best meet their needs. I work remotely from my home outside Philadelphia. And when I’m not working, you can probably find me trying to sneak every stray cat, injured bird, or lost toad (yes, toad!) into the house without my husband noticing. You can reach me at carin.lefkowitz.ctr@usuhs.eduClick to see my CDP bio.

Debra Nofziger, Psy.D., Senior Deployment Behavioral Health Psychologist
Greetings! I am a Senior Deployment Behavioral Health Psychologist and National Cognitive Processing Therapy Trainer working with CDP. I spent the first five years of my professional career with the military in an Army uniform and truly enjoyed my time serving on active duty. Since that time, I have been continuing to work with the military as a CDP employee and find it to be the most challenging and rewarding experience I could possibly think of. I spent the first decade plus at CDP embedded at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas supporting their many behavioral health training programs and students, as well as being a productive member of clinical services. Since then, have focused shifted to full-time focus on CDP projects including training, program development, research, and consultation services. My main interests are in trauma reactions, moral injury, and grief. I also have a strong interest in sleep mechanisms, purposes, and subsequent disorders. While I have found myself living in a variety of locations during my adult life, I am now back to my “roots” in Oregon, once again enjoying the rain and cold ocean waters, along with some of the most beautiful summers and scenery on the face of the planet! You can contact me at .
Click to see my CDP bio.

Timothy Rogers, Ph.D., CDP Assistant Director for Training and Education
Timothy Rogers, PhD., is currently employed by the Henry Jackson Foundation as an Assistant Director for Training and Education at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Center for Deployment Psychology. He is responsible for managing the development, delivery, and evaluation of a range of clinical training and research programs and serves as a subject matter expert/trainer on evidence-based psychotherapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Insomnia. Dr. Rogers received his Ph.D. in 2009 in Counseling Psychology at the University of Akron. He completed his Clinical Psychology Residency at Wilford Hall Medical Center and served over six years as an active-duty psychologist and deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Dr. Rogers also served for six years as the Associate Program Director for the USAF Clinical Psychology Internship at Wilford Hall in San Antonio Texas. Research interests include help-seeking behaviors, PTSD and insomnia treatment, and training in health service psychology. Dr. Rogers currently serves as an APA accreditation site visitor team chair for DoD and VA Clinical Psychology Internships. Contact him at to see their CDP bio.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Consultants

Sharon Birman, Psy.D., Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist
Hello! I am a licensed psychologist and a Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist at CDP. I have been at CDP since 2014. During this time, I have focused on providing training and consultation support to clinicians trained in EBPs to help them implement EBPs more effectively. In my current role, I am work on various programs related to suicide prevention, including the delivery of consultation in CBT-SP with active duty, DoD/VA civilian behavioral health providers, active duty psychology interns, and community mental health providers. I currently live in Los Angeles, CA with my husband and our young daughter. You can contact me at
Click to see my CDP bio.

Marjorie Weinstock, Ph.D., CDP Associate Director
Hello! I am a licensed psychologist and an Associate Director at CDP. I have been at CDP since 2009 and spent my first three years with CDP as a Deployment Behavioral Health Psychologist at the Naval Medical Center San Diego, where I provided patient care and supervised active duty psychology interns. In my current role, I work on various programs related to suicide prevention. I have been trained by CDP to provide consultation in both CBT for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP) and CBT for Depression (CBT-D), although at this time I am primarily providing consultation in CBT-SP. I currently live in Pittsburgh, PA with my husband, who is a veteran.  You can contact me at
Click to see my CDP bio.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Consultants

Diana C. Dolan, Ph.D., Military Behavioral Health Psychologist

Hi! I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a Military Behavioral Health Psychologist at CDP. In my current role, I provide trainings on evidence-based psychotherapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). I became interested in behavioral sleep medicine including insomnia treatment in graduate school, and completed research and training under the supervision of both a sleep medicine physician and a clinical health psychologist. I continued this training in internship, and later became certified in behavioral sleep medicine by the Society for Behavioral Sleep Medicine. I have provided CBT-I treatment and consultation for over 11 years, including both civilian and active duty populations, and maintain active involvement with the SBSM. I currently live in Austin, TX, with my husband and our boys, and enjoy spending time outside with my family. You can contact me at
Click to see my CDP bio.

Carin Lefkowitz, Psy.D., CDP Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist
Greetings! I am a licensed psychologist and a Senior Military Behavioral Health Psychologist for CDP. My main interests are in evidence-based treatments for PTSD and insomnia. While on staff at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, I became a certified provider of PE, CPT and CBT-I. I am also a certified CPT Trainer and Consultant. I especially enjoy helping patients (and their clinicians) consider which of these effective treatment(s) might best meet their needs. I work remotely from my home outside Philadelphia. And when I’m not working, you can probably find me trying to sneak every stray cat, injured bird, or lost toad (yes, toad!) into the house without my husband noticing. You can reach me at carin.lefkowitz.ctr@usuhs.eduClick to see my CDP bio.

Timothy Rogers, Ph.D., CDP Assistant Director for Training and Education
Timothy Rogers, PhD., is currently employed by the Henry Jackson Foundation as an Assistant Director for Training and Education at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Center for Deployment Psychology. He is responsible for managing the development, delivery, and evaluation of a range of clinical training and research programs and serves as a subject matter expert/trainer on evidence-based psychotherapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Insomnia. Dr. Rogers received his Ph.D. in 2009 in Counseling Psychology at the University of Akron. He completed his Clinical Psychology Residency at Wilford Hall Medical Center and served over six years as an active-duty psychologist and deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Dr. Rogers also served for six years as the Associate Program Director for the USAF Clinical Psychology Internship at Wilford Hall in San Antonio Texas. Research interests include help-seeking behaviors, PTSD and insomnia treatment, and training in health service psychology. Dr. Rogers currently serves as an APA accreditation site visitor team chair for DoD and VA Clinical Psychology Internships. Contact him at to see their CDP bio.