
Sleep Hygiene

The therapist reviews sleep hygiene strategies with the patient via a handout, putting particular emphasis on those most relevant to the patient’s situation, in this case caffeine, and helping patient take steps toward implementing the relevant strategies.​

Introducing The Sleep Log

In this video, the therapist orients the patient to the sleep log, and then assists patient in filling in the previous night’s sleep information as an example.  The therapist and patient work together to make a plan for how to complete the log.​

Booster Session

The therapist and patient meet again several months post-treatment to check current sleep quality and quantity, reinforce the patient’s use of relapse prevention strategies such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and getting out of the bed when awake if sleep problems recur, and discuss if/when to return to treatment.​

Role Play Strategy

This video demonstrates use of a role play strategy as a cognitive intervention for unhelpful negative sleep-related beliefs. The therapist role plays a distressed coworker with sleep problems to elicit coaching from the patient on her understanding of CBTI strategies, reinforces the patient’s progress in treatment, and recommends the patient use skills demonstrated in role play for her own sleep beliefs.​

Introducing Sleep Restriction

This video demonstrates how to introduce sleep restriction by recommending a new sleep schedule based on the patient’s baseline total sleep time with a coaching approach.  The therapist acknowledges the counterintuitive nature of the intervention, explores with the patient the treatment rationale using the sleep log as evidence for effectiveness, and develops a plan to work around potential barriers to implementation, such as what to do with increased time out of bed and weekends.  ​


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