Research Collaboratory

At the core of the DoD Child Collaboration Study lies the dynamic research collaboratory of the Center for Deployment Psychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, USU Pediatrics and Family Medicine, the University of Minnesota, and Georgetown University. This collaboratory is a pivotal nucleus for identifying, studying, integrating, developing, and disseminating essential information about the mental health, emotional, developmental, and/or behavioral (MEDB) needs of military-connected youth and families. This effort fosters mutually reinforcing activities to support the collective impact effort across the DoD Child Collaboration Study. Collaboratory efforts directly contribute to the need for increased communication, connection, and collaboration to improve access to care and support for military youth with MEDB needs. The collaboratory also supports three working groups: Training, Research, and Implementation.


  • Convening Events: CDP convenes military youth colleagues to provide opportunities for organizations (academic institutions, military service organizations, non-profit entities, and leaders from within the DoD and DHA) to discuss key issues and potential solutions for addressing the needs of military youth and families. These events include a focus on the unique factors which impact the provision of services and support, resources, and programs to youth and families in a military context. For more information, please contact
  • Conferences: The CDP hosts a conference entitled, “Bridging the Gap: Behavioral Health Innovations Supporting Military Youth & Families.” This conference emphasizes the application of research to developing innovative approaches to increasing provider knowledge and enhancing direct care and support to military youth and families through application of telehealth technologies. For more information, please contact
  • Working Groups: CDP, along with partner representatives, facilitate ongoing, collaborative efforts across collaborating organizations via three working groups focused on research, implementation, and training. These working groups carry forward key strategies identified by project partners and collaborators, to ensure solutions are carried through. For more information, please contact
  • Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG): Supported by the Department of Pediatrics at USU, the SEG is a group of 12 military connected parents and family members of military youth with mental health, emotional, behavioral, and/or developmental (MEBD) health care needs. This group meets virtually monthly and provides insight into the daily successes and challenges that families with youth with MEBD needs encounter in accessing care within the MHS. For more information, please contact