Expanding Evidence Based Psychotherapy (EBP) Utilization

Expanding the use of EBPs will convey numerous benefits to a clinic, for patients, providers and the clinic as a whole. Patients who have access to EBPs for their disorders should have an improved chance to recover, and for active-duty members, that translates to lower chances for separation from the military. DoD mandates that service members have access to these kinds of state-of-the-art therapies because they are proven to be effective for the target conditions. When patients receive an EBP, they should recover faster than other patients who receive supportive counselling, translating into fewer sessions per patient and more capacity.

The Increasing EBP Utilization training deck gives an overview on best practices for increasing the amount of EBP utilization in a clinic and is an excellent starting point and reference for clinic leaders.

There are a number of actions that clinic leaders can take that will increase the usage of evidence-based psychotherapies within their clinic, which include things like strongly endorsing EBP use, providing incentives for EBP use, and changing how charts are rated during peer review. Another key area is to address gaps in training or confidence with using EBPs for common conditions.

Clinic leadership should strongly endorse EBPs for common conditions like Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia. Clinic leaders can send a strong message of support for EBP use within a clinic, by messaging the importance of EBPs in meetings, becoming one of the EBP users themselves, and many other actions. This content is covered in the EBP Utilization Training Deck, which reviews best practices for shifting more of the care within a clinic over to EBPs. The Best Practices in Documenting EBPs training deck gives an overview of using note templates for EBPs. The Introduction to EBPs training deck is designed to be delivered to clinic providers and provides an overview of EBPs for common conditions, including the many benefits of using EBPs, which will hopefully help increase provider willingness to use EBPs with their patients. In addition to encouraging the use of EBPs verbally, there are other concrete steps leaders can employ to increase use of EBPs:

  • Address lack of training in EBPs. A key barrier to using EBPs within clinics is a lack of training in the relevant EBPs. DoD clinic leaders can have their providers visit CDP’s page to sign up for EBP workshops. Providers who have had a training in the past can attend a workshop a second time as a refresher.
  • Explore incentives to use EBPs in routine practice. Another means of increasing use is to incentivize providers to use EBPs. The toolkit has ideas for this in the handout Provider Incentives for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Use . There is also a sample template Letter of Appreciation for Employees Delivering EBPs, which you can use to provide formal recognition for employees.
  • Modify peer review forms to ask about EBP use for certain disorders (e.g., MDD, PTSD). A clinic can also encourage greater use of EBPs for common conditions by modifying the language/criteria of its peer review form to include references to EBP use. The SOP/OI Peer Review in Support of EBPs provides a template for establishing a clinic policy to do this, while the Monthly Peer Review: EBP Addendum provides sample language for including in the peer review.
  • Educate providers about correct misinformation about EBPs. Some providers are theoretically resistant to EBPs or hold misconceptions that make them resistant to using EBPs. For example, many providers who have doubts about exposure-based treatments such as PE. In these cases, it may be helpful to attempt to convince them that the treatment is safe and effective by reviewing the results of research literature on EBPs. The toolkit contains many factsheets and handouts such as: PE Provider Factsheet , Prolonged Exposure FAQs: Patient Appropriateness , Myths about Exposure Therapy (Provider) and even an Introduction to EBPs Training Deck that was designed to highlight the benefits of EBPs in clinical practice.

Optimize routing of patients to EBP trained providers: If you have a shortage of providers in your clinic trained to treat conditions like MDD or PTSD, or if some providers just aren’t comfortable with learning to use EBPs for conditions like PTSD, you might consider changing the way that patients are routed to providers, to ensure that cases with conditions such as PTSD cases are matched to EBP providers. In order to start to match patients to EBP trained providers, you will need to:

  • Identify cases before intake if possible. Ideally, you will want to identify cases early and route them to EBP trained providers before intake. Tools that describe best practices for screening referrals are covered in the Managing Patient Throughput page.
  • Maintain a list of EBP trained providers. You can rapidly get a sense of what EBPs your providers have already been trained in and are familiar with using, by using a set of toolkit items described under the Gap Analysis page (e.g., EBP Training & Utilization Provider Questionnaire).
  • Make it easier to transfer cases after intake to other providers who provide the EBP. Change local policy to make it easier to transfer a case after intake if the intake provider does not use an EBP for the patient’s condition. These and other ideas for handling matching cases to EBP providers are covered in the Managing Patient Throughput page.
  • Consider setting up a sub-clinic. Another means of managing this issue it to establish a sub-clinic for certain diagnoses, where a subset of providers treats most cases with that diagnosis. This concept and associated tools are covered in the Managing Patient Throughput page.

Relevant toolkit items:

Item Name Description Audience
EBP Utilization Training Deck
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PDF with notes)
Training presentation on how to increase access to EBPs in the clinic. Focuses on building a pool of EBP providers by increasing training, providing incentives, and protecting time for EBP treatment Clinic Managers
Introduction to EBPs
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PDF with notes)
Training presentation providing a brief overview of DoD/VA recommended EBP treatments for PTSD and depression Providers
Best Practices in Documenting EBPs Slides (PDF)
Slides (PDF with notes)
Training presentation focusing on the importance of accurately documenting EBP care. Includes an overview of note templates for group and individual EBP treatment Providers
Myths about Exposure Therapy for PTSD (Patient) Fact sheet dispelling some common myths patients may have about exposure therapy Patients
Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Why You Should Ask Your Provider about EBPs Fact sheet explaining the benefits of EBP treatment and why patients should ask if EBPs may be appropriate for them Patients
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression (ACT-D) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Depression. Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Behavioral Activation for Depression (BA) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Behavioral Activation (BA) therapy for Depression. Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain (CBT-CP) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain (CBT-CP). Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression (CBT-D) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression (CBT-D). Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD. Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy for PTSD. Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Depression Patient Brochure Patient brochure for Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Depression. Provides a basic explanation of the therapy, goals of the therapy, and addresses some frequently asked questions Patients
PE Provider Factsheet Fact sheet on Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD, giving a basic explanation of the components of the therapy, explains how the therapy works and why providers should use it with their patients Providers
Myths about Exposure Therapy (Provider) Fact sheet dispelling some common myths providers may have about exposure therapy Providers
Benefits of Massed Prolonged Exposure Therapy Fact sheet on the benefits of massed appointments for PE Providers
FAQs: Using Prolonged Exposure Therapy Fact sheet answering common questions providers may ask when seeking consultation for PE Providers
Prolonged Exposure FAQs: Patient Appropriateness Fact sheet answering common questions providers may ask when determining if PE is appropriate for their patients Providers
Benefits of Online EBP Training Fact sheet on the benefits of online EBP training and how to incorporate these trainings within DoD settings Providers
PE Competency Checklist Checklist to get providers up to competency in Prolonged Exposure therapy Providers
60-minute Prolonged Exposure Sessions Fact sheet on how to modify the PE protocol for a 60-minute session length Providers
Coding for 90-Minute Appointments Handout explaining how providers can code for 90-minute appointments in AHLTA when necessary (such as for PE sessions) Providers
Benefits of Receiving Ongoing EBP Consultation Fact sheet comparing conceptual and logistical consultation models. Explains why conceptual consultation is often a better choice Providers
Dispelling Misconceptions around Consultation Fact sheet addressing some of the myths providers may have around consultation. Includes the difference between consultation and supervision as well as why formal consultation is often a superior choice to informal consultation Providers
Agenda Setting in Therapy Fact sheet on how and why providers set an agenda for EBP sessions Providers
Provider Incentives for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Use Fact sheet on incentives available to Clinic Managers to encourage providers to use EBPs Clinic Managers
Letter of Appreciation for Employees Delivering EBPs Template for clinic managers to use to show appreciation for providers delivering high-quality EBP care to patients Clinic Managers
CBT Session Note Template Structured template for providers to use during sessions to make writing CBT progress notes faster Provider
Form Letter for Detailers Template for clinic managers to request that newly arriving active-duty providers be trained in EBPs Clinic Managers
HR Semi-Structured Interview Questions to Ascertain EBP Experience Interview template for interviewers to assess the level of EBP training and experience of civilian and contract applicants Clinic Managers
Sample EBP Language for Peer Review Forms Template for clinic managers to use in order to ascertain EBP usage through the peer review process Clinic Managers
SOP/OI Establishing a PTSD Sub-clinic Template for clinic managers to use in order to set-up an EBP sub-clinic model that works for the clinic Clinic Managers
SOP/OI Referral for a Course of EBP Template for clinic managers to use in order to delineate the primary provider and EBP provider roles for patients referred within the clinic for a course of an EBP Clinic Managers
SOP/OI Peer Review in Support of EBPs Template for clinic managers to use in order to assess EBP usage as part of their clinics’ peer review process Clinic Managers

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