Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Changes in the new CPT treatment manual

As both a therapist using Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) with my PTSD patients and a CPT Trainer, I was eagerly awaiting the revision of the treatment manual.  And my wait was finally over in May 2014!  But then I found I was faced with a dilemma - do I throw out my old manual along with notes and reprint the new one?  Or can I simply keep the old manual and replace a few pages here and there.  It seems others were wondering also given the number of times during trainings and within my own clinic I've been asked this.  So, I did an in-depth comparison of the two manuals, and here is what I found along with my suggestions.

Research Update: 7 August 2014

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

  • Military Service and Alcohol Use in the United States.
  • Status- and Stigma-related Consequences of Military Service and PTSD: Evidence from 
    a Laboratory Experiment.

Staff Perspective: Transitioning from Military Service to Civilian Life

In my role at the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP), I was recently asked about transitioning from military service to civilian life. The specific question asked was how case managers can identify a normal reaction to mourning the loss of identity due to leaving military service versus behavior that could be indicative of a clinical problem/disorder. I think it is a great question and one that many case managers, providers, and even Service members may have.    
