Blog posts with the tag "Service Members"

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - E Is For “Enhanced”: CBT-E For Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a significant and often underreported issue within the U.S. military, affecting service members' health, readiness, and overall well-being. These disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder, present unique challenges in the military environment due to the intense physical and psychological demands placed on personnel. The pressure to maintain certain weight standards and physical fitness levels can exacerbate the risk of developing unhealthy eating behaviors, contributing to the prevalence of these disorders among service members.

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - Special Considerations for Working With Guard/Reserve Service Members

Dr. Jenna Ermold

Have you ever been curious about working with the National Guard or Reserves? Not entirely sure what service in the Guard or Reserves entails? Maybe have some questions about how you can best serve this population? Well are YOU in luck! In this not-to-miss episode of Practical for your Practice, we sat down with CDP’s own Jennifer Nevers who not only serves as an integral team member of CDP’s Star Behavioral Health Providers Program (SBHP) that aims to expand the availability of high-quality behavioral health services, especially for those in the reserve components.

Staff Perspective: Family Life During a Drill Weekend

In this blog, Jennifer Nevers, MSW, LCSW gives us a glimpse into her personal story of navigating family life during a drill weekend as an Army National Guard Soldier. She shares her experiences with logistical challenges, family-work life balance, expanding her support system, and finding connections through her lived experiences of military life.

Staff Perspective: Educational Support and Resources for Military Families

In last week’s blog, my colleague April Thompson shared about military family well-being during the military-to-veteran transition. The military-to-veteran transition is just one of the many transitions that military families experience. Today  I want to talk about another transition many active duty military families experience regularly, frequent moves, and how it impacts the education of military children. It feels like an appropriate focus given that April is the Month of the Military Child. I will also share several resources that I have found to be helpful as a psychologist, a military spouse, and a parent of a military child.

Staff Perspective: Family Well-Being During the Military-to-Veteran Transition

April Thompson, LCSW

Often in the military, we are taught the concept of creating a “new normal” following significant disruptions such as those related to a move, a military deployment, or other event impacting the whole family. Focusing on a “new normal” invites the family to view the situation as something requiring a period of adjustment. One aspect of military life that every family will experience is the transition out of the military. We all know it is coming. However, there is a great deal of variability in how families prepare for and respond to this event.
