Blog posts with the tag "Treatment"

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - “When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Stress First Aid (SFA)”

As behavioral health providers, many of us receive training, and are well positioned to help people after a disaster or traumatic event. But what do you do in situations of ongoing threat, ongoing stress and adversity, perhaps lasting months or years? In this episode of Practical for Your Practice, we are joined by the amazing Dr. Patricia Watson, a psychologist at the National Center for PTSD, who walks us through the incredibly versatile Stress First Aid (SFA) model.

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - “Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Ears: The Real Deal With the Righting Reflex”

Dr. Jenna Ermold

How much advice should a provider provide, if the provider could provide advice? As behavioral health providers we often, with good intentions, get swept up in a mission of change with (for?) our clients. A client states problems they are experiencing and we clearly see what needs to be “fixed” and jump in with our EBP guns blazing. But perhaps, at times, we are a little too quick on the draw.

Staff Perspective: Introducing the Second Life Island for Preventing Suicide

Over the last few years, the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) has been hard at work developing a first of its kind training for the core components of cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention (CBT-SP). The resulting Second Life Island for Preventing Suicide, or SLIPS, is an asynchronous, avatar-based learning environment focused on reinforcing the concepts learned during traditional two-day CBT-SP workshops.

Practically Speaking - Behind the Episode, “Meeting Clients Where They Are - EBPs in Dual Diagnosis Cases”

By show of hands, how many of us encounter clients that are struggling with substance abuse and addiction in the midst of dealing with other mental health issues? Ok, this is a blog, so of course I can’t see your hands, but I am imagining a wall of hands in the air of everyone reading this. And of course that is because substance use disorders are highly co-morbid with other mental health conditions. If you’re like me, having received training in several evidence-based psychotherapies for various conditions, you may not have a lot of experience or training in how to treat or manage co-morbid substance use disorders (SUD). This can be particularly true regarding the addition of medication-assisted therapist (MAT) for SUD.

Staff Perspective: A New Moral Injury Measure

A few months ago, I was treating a patient with PTSD, but after greater exploration of his distress, which included guilt, shame, and feeling betrayed by his military boss, we fleshed out that moral injury was a salient part of his clinical picture. Currently, there is no consensus in the field on the exact definition of moral injury, but one I like refers to it as “enduring psychosocial and spiritual harms following exposures to high-stakes events that involve transgressions of one’s deeply held moral convictions or beliefs of right and wrong through one’s own or others’ action or inaction, or perceived betrayal by those in positions of authority or trust” (Phelps et al., 2022).
