Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 10 March 2022

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Predictors of PTSD Treatment Retention and Response: A Systematic Review.
● Approaches to the assessment of adherence to CBT-I, predictors of adherence, and the association of adherence to outcomes: A systematic review.
● Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement vs Supportive Group Therapy for Co-occurring Opioid Misuse and Chronic Pain in Primary Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Staff Perspective: Active Listening and Military Couples

Dr. Marjorie Weinstock

Recently Dr. Jenny Phillips wrote about ways that military couples can manage expectations and communication while deployed. One of things that stood out for me was the recommendation to utilize active and open communication. As part of an ongoing project, I’ve recently been diving into the literature on therapeutic encounter skills (e.g., empathy, active listening), and I realized the relevance that active listening has when also talking about couples’ communication.

Research Update: 3 March 2022

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● The Culture of Alcohol in the U.S. Military: Correlations With Problematic Drinking Behaviors and Negative Consequences of Alcohol Use.
● Interpersonal trauma histories and relationship functioning among LGB Veteran couples seeking PTSD treatment.
● Moral injury, mental health and behavioural health outcomes: A systematic review of the literature.
