Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 27 June 2024

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● Sexual identity differences in chronic pain: Results from the 2019-2021 National Health Interview Survey.
● A guide for self-help guides: best practice implementation.
● JCP’s Focus on Women’s Mental Health: Twenty Years and Counting. (Editorial)


Staff Perspective: Grief, Proximity, and Social Determinants of Health

Like many of us who are tasked with writing blogs, we sign up without a second thought, not realizing how quickly the time seems to pass. When I finally sat down to compose my blog, putting ideas to paper, I received a call that rocked me to the core. In that moment, I contemplated whether to share the recent agonizing grief of our family with the world, until I quickly realized that the city of Chicago and its multiple channels of communication (Facebook, live streaming, and local news channels) had already done just that.

Research Update: 20 June 2024

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Older Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
● Updated Estimate of the Number of Extreme Risk Protection Orders Needed to Prevent 1 Suicide.
● Management of Depression in Adults: A Review.

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - Special Considerations for Working With Guard/Reserve Service Members

Dr. Jenna Ermold

Have you ever been curious about working with the National Guard or Reserves? Not entirely sure what service in the Guard or Reserves entails? Maybe have some questions about how you can best serve this population? Well are YOU in luck! In this not-to-miss episode of Practical for your Practice, we sat down with CDP’s own Jennifer Nevers who not only serves as an integral team member of CDP’s Star Behavioral Health Providers Program (SBHP) that aims to expand the availability of high-quality behavioral health services, especially for those in the reserve components.
