Deployment Psychology Blog

CDP News: July 18, 2014

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. Summer is in full swing here at CDP, but that’s not slowing us down any!

Research Update: July 17, 2014

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

● Psychotherapy Training: Residents' Perceptions and Experiences. 
● Beep Tones Attenuate Pain following Pavlovian Conditioning of an Endogenous Pain Control Mechanism. 

Staff Perspective: Virtually There - CDP's Online Training Efforts

We here at the Center for Deployment Psychology are dedicated to our mission of offering high-quality training on evidence-based treatments for behavioral health providers. To help further this cause, we’ve recently begun offering training opportunities online. We recognize that taking time away from their practice and clients, in addition to the expense and hassle of travel are significant hurdles to many providers when it comes to attending live, face-to-face CDP events. These new online training sessions allow us to reach out to providers who otherwise may not be able to attend.
