Deployment Psychology Blog

By The Numbers: 12 July 2021


The percentage of providers is a recent study who reported using Prolonged Exposure therapy (PE) in PTSD treatment, according to a recent article in the journal Behavior Therapy -- Exposure Therapy Beliefs and Utilization for Treatment of PTSD: A Survey of Licensed Mental Health Providers. Roughly 2/3 of those surveyed (68%) reported having received training in PE.

Research Update: 8 July 2021

Research Update Icon

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Predictors and protective factors for suicide ideation across remotely piloted aircraft career fields.
● Pornography Use and Intimate Partner Violence Among a Sample of U.S. Army Soldiers in 2018: A Cross-Sectional Study.
● Presence of PTSD is Associated with Clinical and Functional Impact in Veterans with Depression Treated in Community-Based Clinics.

Staff Perspective: Around the Web

Chris Adams

For this week's Staff Perspective blog entry, we're going to take a quick look at a few interesting and military-psychology related stories from around the Internet.
Computerized Assessment Tools for PTSD Measurement: Researchers are testing the Computerized Adaptive Diagnostic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder screener (CAD-PTSD) and Computerized Adaptive Test for PTSD symptom severity (CAT-PTSD). Using fewer questions, 6 for the CAD and 10 for the CAT,  the electronic assessment tools compared favorably to the Clinician Administered Scale for PTSD for DSM-5 (CAPS-5).

Research Update: 1 July 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Drinking patterns of post-deployment Veterans: The role of personality, negative urgency, and posttraumatic stress.
● Prevalence of Potentially Morally Injurious Events in Operationally Deployed Canadian Armed Forces Members.
● Intergenerational Transmission of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Australian Vietnam Veterans’ Daughters and Sons: The Effect of Family Emotional Climate While Growing Up.
