Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Beyond the Stereotypes of Stigma

Stigma against people with mental health conditions has a significant impact that extends beyond stereotypes. Fellow CDP'er Dr. Paula Dominici’s blog article a few weeks ago detailed some specific ways Service members with mental health conditions are affected by social perceptions about their fitness for duty, as well as how their own self perceptions impede help seeking and negatively impact emotional wellbeing.

Research Update: 19 July 2018

The weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● The mental health status and barriers to seeking care in rural women Veterans.
● Leisure Experiences of Military Couples Postdeployment.
● Posttraumatic stress disorder and positive memories: Clinical considerations.

Staff Perspective: Intergenerational Trauma: The Transgenerational Impact of PTSD on the (Military) Family

 It was happening again. Following another humid South Carolina rain, I sat beside my 6-year old sister, Trinh, who was having a “spell” – what we now know was some type of re-experiencing or panic attack - likely related to her boat escape from Vietnam just 10 days following the fall of Saigon. At the time, I could only do what my 5-year old self thought was best. Hold her hand, get the dog, tell her everything was going to be alright and wait for the spell to pass
