Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 8 September 2022

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● The role of military identity in substance use and mental health outcomes among U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers.
● The potential role of sleep symptoms in tobacco withdrawal for the success of cessation therapies.
● Posttraumatic cognitions and sexual assault: Understanding the role of cognition type in posttraumatic stress symptoms and problematic alcohol use.

Staff Perspective: Misconceptions About Sleep

Dr. Diana Dolan

You name it, we’ve heard about it. Our sleep consultants regularly come across purported new “solutions” for sleep problems, many of which of course involve only a low, low price. If I sound skeptical, it’s because I am; if a revolutionary cure for sleep problems existed, why do people continue to have problems sleeping? So many of my patients have been convinced something works, but still come in reporting they do not sleep well.

Research Update: 1 September 2022

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Incidences of anxiety disorders among active duty service members between 1999 and 2018.
● Network analysis of mild traumatic brain injury, persistent neurobehavioral and psychiatric symptoms, and functional disability among recent-era United States veterans.
● Family-Involved Mental Health Care Among OEF/OIF Veterans With and Without PTSD Using VHA Administrative Records.

Staff Perspective: DOD Child Collaboration Study - Enhancing and Expanding Use of Tele-education and Telehealth Care in Support of Military Children

Child and adolescent behavioral health clinicians have always been invested in the mental health needs of our youngest clients. They have a profound understanding of how biology, family, community, and systems impact youth mental health. Mental health needs for children and adolescents continue to rise to an unsurpassed level. Nearly one in five children have a diagnosable mental health condition like depression, anxiety, or ADHD and according to the Centers for Disease Control.

By the Numbers: 29 August 2022


The percentage of American gun owners who store their firearms locked, according to a recent research review from the RAND Corporation -- Personal Firearm Storage in the United States: Recent Estimates, Patterns, and Effectiveness of Interventions. The review indicated that 1/3 of gun owners "store all of their firearms locked and unloaded."
