Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Available CDP Resources to Enhance Clinical Skills

Dr. Tim Rogers

What helps you to become a better clinician? There may not be a single answer to this question. In fact, most of us probably benefit from a variety of different experiences depending upon our learning style and what we are specifically seeking to improve. Literature on competency development also highlights that such improvement can focus on knowledge, attitude, skills, or any combination of these.

Research Update: 19 May 2022

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Mental Health Treatment Seeking and History of Suicidal Thoughts Among Suicide Decedents by Mechanism, 2003-2018.
● Does sleep quality modify the relationship between common mental disorders and chronic low back pain in adult women?
● The REBOOT Combat Recovery Program: Health and Socioemotional Benefits.

By the Numbers: 16 May 2022


The percentage of "750,000 returning military Veterans of the 1990–1991 Persian Gulf War" who are affected by Gulf War Illness (GWI), "a chronic, multi-symptomatic disorder characterized by fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems, insomnia, rashes, and gastrointestinal issues, according to a recent article in the journal BMC Psychology -- The impact of post-traumatic stress on quality of life and fatigue in women with Gulf War Illness.
