Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 18 November 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● Mental Disorders, Gun Ownership, and Gun Carrying Among Soldiers After Leaving the Army, 2016-2019.
● Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Symptom Endorsement: A Parallel Comparison Between Two Nonclinical Cohorts.
● Remote exposure to traumatic events and PTSD symptoms among U.S. Air Force intelligence personnel: Moderating effects of morally injurious experiences.

Staff Perspective: Trauma Therapist, Heal Thyself: Seven Tips for Self-Care

Dr. Carin Lefkowitz

I don’t know any colleagues who aren’t on the brink of burnout right now, myself included. Perhaps it’s our increased caseloads, the impact of multiple global crises, our collective COVID fatigue, or all of the above. The topic of self-care has been coming up consistently in my workshops and consultation, especially from colleagues who work most often with trauma and PTSD. It’s motivated us at CDP to reflect on what helps us stay centered and healthy.

By the Numbers - 15 November 2021

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261.1 out of 10,000

The number of chronic pain diagnoses per 10,000 "person-years" in the Military Health System (MHS) in 2018, according to an article in the MHS publication Medical Surveillance Monthly Report -- Characterizing the contribution of chronic pain diagnoses to the neurologic burden of disease, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2009-2018. This represents a significant increase, from 85.5 per 10,000 person-years in 2009.

Research Update: 12 November 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Dialectical behaviour therapy skills group including stigma management: a pilot with sexual and gender minority veterans.
● Exploring CBT therapists’ experience of feeling of safety within self-practice/selfreflection: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.
● Narrating life in the military: Links between veterans’ narrative processing of service experiences and their posttraumatic stress symptoms and well-being.

Guest Perspective: Evolving Challenges of Deployment Communication

Most Service members see deployments as short term intervals, usually interruptions, in their lives. Family, however, is usually viewed as a constant. Communicating with our families, friends, and loved ones while we are deployed is a critical concern for nearly every Service member. Many find it difficult to strike a balance between trying to manage personal and family relationships and remaining focused on the mission and the needs of fellow Service members while deployed. Below is an abbreviated look at how deployment communication has changed over my career, ways my family and I have tried to adapt, and a look at future deployment communication challenges.
