Blog posts with the tag "COVID-19"

Staff Perspective: Military Families Share Their Experiences During COVID-19

Dr. Jenny Phillips

Following up on Christy Collette’s piece on "Military Family Resilience during COVID-19," this week’s blog will share additional information about the unique impacts of the pandemic on military families. Using information gathered directly from five different military families during the first wave of COVID-19, this blog will highlight some of the important issues behavioral health providers should consider when working with military families.

Research Update: 10 December 2020

Research Update Icon

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Exploring the impact of COVID-19 and restrictions to daily living as a result of social distancing within Veterans with pre-existing mental health difficulties.
● Rates and Predictors of Deterioration in a Trial of Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Reducing Suicidal Thoughts.
● Magnitude of problematic anger and its predictors in the Millennium Cohort.

Staff Perspective: Military Family Resilience and COVID-19

Resilience in military families is the norm. As the effects of the pandemic continue to be felt, and in many cases amplified, the need for all of us to adjust to changes, sometimes on a daily basis, is greater than ever before. Civilian families can benefit from the lessons learned from military families across the generations. Creating new traditions, staying connected with love ones through long separations, and major shifts in social networks are all skills military families learn early in military service.

Staff Perspective: Alcohol Use and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Dangers of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Dr. Jeff Cook

Research has established evidence of increased alcohol sales and consumption over the past 6-8 months. In this blog, we explore the increased risks to both health and sobriety associated with excessive alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staff Perspective: Alcohol Use and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Jeff Cook

While increased alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic has often been the focus of jokes and memes in social media, information about the magnitude and reasons behind these increases are not as amusing. In this first of a two-part blog series, Dr. Jeff Cook looks at research documenting increases in alcohol sales and consumption and consider how behavioral health providers can support their clients by recommending healthier alternatives.
