Blog posts with the tag "By the Numbers"

By the Numbers: 12 February 2021

About two thirds

The proportion of "Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and New Veterans (who) reported knowing someone who was killed or seriously injured, lost someone in their immediate unit, or personally saw dead or seriously injured Americans," according to a study recently published online in The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care.

By the Numbers: 8 February 2021

Research Update Icon


The number of stores operated by the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) "worldwide, including in 13 countries and 2 U.S. territories," according to a recent Congressional Research Service Defense Primer -- Military Commissaries and Exchanges. The DeCA employs more than "12,000 civilian full-time equivalents (FTEs)."


By the Numbers: 1 February 2021


The percentage of "COVID-19 cases diagnosed in active-duty military personnel through the end of fiscal 2020" that were concentrated in four military occupation fields -- repair, engineering, communications, and intelligence -- according to a recent article in Military Times reporting on an article in the December 2020 issue of the Defense Health Agency's Medical Surveillance Monthly Report.

By the Numbers: 25 January 2021


The percentage of "recruits who exceeded the weight-for-height standards but subsequently entered the military because they passed the standards later or received a waiver" who "left the military before completing their first term of enlistment but after the expenditure of training costs," according to a recent Congressional Research Service "In Focus" report -- Obesity in the United States and Effects on Military Recruiting.
