Blog posts with the tag "By the Numbers"

By the Numbers - Nov. 4, 2013


The number of statistical tables in the just-released report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Behavioral Health United States 2012. This publication, which "includes behavioral health statistics at the national and State levels from 40 different data sources," is a key resource for researchers, grant writers and anyone else who needs statistics concerning:

  • Behavioral Health of the Population: the mental health status of the U.S. population and prevalence of mental illness;
  • Behavioral Health Service Utilization: providers and settings for behavioral health services; types of behavioral health services provided; and rates of utilization;

By the Numbers - Oct. 21, 2013


The odds -- according to a study in the September issue of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center's Medical Surveillance Monthly Report -- of servicewomen with a diagnosis of postpartum depression (PPD) also being diagnosed with suicidality, compared to servicewomen without a PPD diagnosis. Among military dependent spouses with a PPD diagnosis, the odds are 14.5, compared to spouses without PPD.

By the Numbers - Oct. 7, 2013


The rates, respectively, of sexual harassment and sexual assault reported by 13,000+ female service members exposed to combat during deployment to Afghanistan and/or Iraq, according to an article published last summer in the journal Women's Health Issues -- Combat Deployment Is Associated with Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault in a Large, Female Military Cohort.
