Blog posts with the tag "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder"

Staff Perspective: Clinical Skills and Optimizing Treatment - The Case for EBPs

Jeffrey Mann, Psy.D.

Over the years I’ve worked with a variety of patients and learned a few lessons along the way about efficiency… especially when it comes to the use of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies (EBPs). As a graduate student, I had very little exposure to EBPs and I was thoroughly immersed in existential and client-centered therapy. As I entered the military for my internship year I had my first introduction to protocol-based treatment and I was very skeptical. That year and the subsequent years have been transformative in the way I approach my patients' problems.

Staff Perspective: Finally, An Integrated Treatment for Patients with PTSD and SUD

Have you heard about Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE)? This session-by-session therapist guide, written by Dr. Sudie Back and colleagues, was published in 2015. However, when I mention it at Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) workshops, few therapists in the audience have heard about it.

Staff Perspective: Moral Injury – What’s New and How Far Have We Come?

The concept of moral injury (MI) has become much more of a mainstream construct in mental health treatment over the last decade. In my research for this article, I reviewed my colleague’s observations and perspectives on the theoretical development, assessment and treatment. There has been rigorous examination, discussion and research on the construct of MI, its causes and remedies.

Staff Perspective: A Discussion of DBT-PE with Dr. Harned, Part Two

Dr. Kim Copeland continues her discussion with the developer of DBT-PE, Dr. Harned in the second part of this vlog. They talk about several topics including how to tell when patients are ready for DBT-PE, how DBT-PE differs from traditional PE, some of the research supporting DBT-PE, how to ensure engagement during treatment, and how to get trained in DBT-PE.

Staff Perspective: A Discussion of DBT-PE with Dr. Harned

Dr. Kim Copeland talks with the developer of DBT-PE, Dr. Harned in this vlog. They talk about several topics including the inspiration for the creation of DBT-PE, structure and course of the treatment, the audience it is designed to treat, discoveries and lessons learned during development, and the future of DBT-PE. Keep an eye out for part two of this interview, which will be coming soon!
