Blog posts with the tag "Providers"

Staff Perspective: Reviewing Outcomes on Self-Care Training

Dr. Tim Rogers

In this blog, Dr. Rogers reviews current literature on self-care training methods and outcomes. The importance of practicing self-care is not only linked to higher life satisfaction and wellness outcomes, it is also considered an ethical standard for providers to prevent impairment and conduct that could adversely affect the delivery of patient care. The purpose of this blog will be to review the latest findings regarding how self-care is being trained, outcomes of such efforts, as well as provide some recommendations and resources.

Staff Perspective: Alcohol Use and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Dangers of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Dr. Jeff Cook

Research has established evidence of increased alcohol sales and consumption over the past 6-8 months. In this blog, we explore the increased risks to both health and sobriety associated with excessive alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staff Perspective: Alcohol Use and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Jeff Cook

While increased alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic has often been the focus of jokes and memes in social media, information about the magnitude and reasons behind these increases are not as amusing. In this first of a two-part blog series, Dr. Jeff Cook looks at research documenting increases in alcohol sales and consumption and consider how behavioral health providers can support their clients by recommending healthier alternatives.

Staff Perspective: An Interview with Dr. Tom Horvath on the Current State SUD Treatment and SMART Recovery

Dr. Jeff Mann

This week's Staff Perspective features a video recording of in-depth conversation between CDP's Dr. Jeff Mann and Dr. Tom Horvath. The two discuss the current state of SUD treatment and aspects of SMART Recover.

Staff Perspective: Finally, An Integrated Treatment for Patients with PTSD and SUD

Have you heard about Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE)? This session-by-session therapist guide, written by Dr. Sudie Back and colleagues, was published in 2015. However, when I mention it at Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) workshops, few therapists in the audience have heard about it.
