Blog posts with the tag "Research Update"

Research Update: 10 June 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Understanding the role of sleep on suicidal ideation in active-duty service members: Implications for clinical practice.
● Improving Educational Outcomes for First-Year and First-Generation Veteran Students: An Exploratory Study of a Persistent Outreach Approach in a Veteran- Student Support Program.
● How often do community-based mental health providers educate and initiate PTSD treatment following training? Answering the question of reach.

Research Update: 3 June 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Transitioning from the Battlefield: A Theoretical Model for the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Gender Diverse Veterans.
● Longitudinal Examination of the Impact of Resilience and Stressful Life Events on Alcohol Use Disorder Outcomes.
● Mental health and suicidal ideation in US military veterans with histories of COVID-19 infection.

Research Update: 27 May 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Effectiveness of a rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)-informed group for post-9/11 Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
● Emerging Adult Military-Connected Students Express Challenges Transitioning into Higher Education: Implications for Helping Professionals.
● Effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of evidence-based psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder in clinical practice.

Research Update: 20 May 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Explosive ordnance disposal personnel in the U.S. military have higher risk of insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder: a large retrospective cohort study.
● Firearm Suicide Among Veterans of the U.S. Military: A Systematic Review.
● Emotion regulation and experiential avoidance moderate the association between posttraumatic symptoms and alcohol use disorder among Israeli combat veterans.

Research Update: 13 May 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Implementation of Antiracism (Viewpoint)
● Time Since Injury as a Factor in Post-Concussion Symptom Reporting among Military Service Members with Blast-Related Concussion.
● Underreporting on the MMPI-2-RF extends to extra-test measures of suicide risk.
