Blog posts with the tag "Staff Perspective"

Staff Perspective: Lean Into Your Moral Pain

Andrew Santanello, Psy.D.

Several years ago, I was co-facilitating a group Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) session with several BIPOC (Black, Indiginous, People of Color), Vietnam Veterans. During agenda setting, one of the Veterans in the group wanted to discuss a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet (CBW) that he had completed during the past week. I acknowledged his request, and, since he didn’t often speak about his practice assignments, I asked the group if we could start with his agenda item. The rest of the group agreed.

Staff Perspective: Veiling and Using Headscarves in the United States Military

Augusto Ruiz, Psy.D.

A patient walks into your office and states that he is having a panic attack because he just saw a women in the pharmacy line wearing a Hijab. Just seeing the veil produced flashbacks and a quickened pulse. Upon further questioning, he reveals that he is avoiding certain Middle Eastern restaurants, and missed an elevator ride because he saw a Muslim women waiting in line. He even states that he thought he saw a soldier wearing a Hijab, but then states "I think I must be losing my mind." As a provider working with service members, how culturally informed are you on veiling policies to better assist this patient?

Staff Perspective: Moral Injury – What’s New and How Far Have We Come?

The concept of moral injury (MI) has become much more of a mainstream construct in mental health treatment over the last decade. In my research for this article, I reviewed my colleague’s observations and perspectives on the theoretical development, assessment and treatment. There has been rigorous examination, discussion and research on the construct of MI, its causes and remedies.

Staff Perspective: A Discussion of DBT-PE with Dr. Harned, Part Two

Dr. Kim Copeland continues her discussion with the developer of DBT-PE, Dr. Harned in the second part of this vlog. They talk about several topics including how to tell when patients are ready for DBT-PE, how DBT-PE differs from traditional PE, some of the research supporting DBT-PE, how to ensure engagement during treatment, and how to get trained in DBT-PE.

Staff Perspective: Masks - To Wear or Not To Wear?

Erin Frick, Psy.D.

Anyone else feel like you are constantly navigating new life territory due to the COVID-19 pandemic? I do! At every turn, it seems there is a new question or decision, and it is draining my energy at record pace. In just the last month, I’ve decided to try doing a staycation instead of a trip for our family vacation, how to safely attend important graduation events, canceled a planned visit from a loved one in California, and realized that I’m just not ready to send our three-year-old daughter back to preschool in a few weeks. Another big decision for all of us amidst this pandemic is whether to wear a mask in public or not.
