Blog posts with the tag "Staff Perspective"

Staff Perspective: The Healthcare of Transgender Service Members - A Discussion on Recent Policy Developments

Laura Cho-Stutler, Psy.D.

With the 2011 repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and Don’t Pursue policy, which later became known as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), the transgender military population was left unprotected with an increased uncertainty about their status in the US military.  They were unable to join the military and if already serving, being identified as a transgender individual could be grounds for involuntary separation or denial of reenlistment (Goldbach & Castron, 2016; Kerrigan, 2012).

Staff Perspective: Weeding Through the Literature on Marijuana Use in Treating PTSD (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog titled, Pondering the Question of Prescribed Cannabis Use and the Potential Effect on Trauma and Stressor-Related TreatmentI closed by saying that while research is being conducted currently on this issue, there is no study of marijuana use in the Veteran population.  I am happy to report that research with 76 Veteran participants who have treatment-resistant PTSD was approved by the DEA and is underway. 

Staff Perspective: Back in the PE Therapist Seat

Reluctantly, I debated whether to try to get credentialed at the military hospital near me in pursuit of becoming a Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapist for a research study with Service members who have PTSD from deployment trauma. How would it feel to provide therapy when I hadn’t delivered clinical care for a long while? Was it worthwhile to pursue this PE therapist position when it would be outside my regular job?

Staff Perspective: Military Couples - Challenges and Survival Strategies

Most military couples would agree that military life offers a fair number of challenges.  I reached out to some “real life” experts – military couples who have been around the block a time or two – to learn from their wealth of experience.  Their marriages have collectively seen hundreds of deployments, PCSs, TDYs, and other major military family events – they have experienced ups, downs, and in-betweens – and they have some amazing stories to tell.  I asked them to share the greatest challenges they have faced as military couples and the survival strategies that have kept them going.         
