Blog posts with the tag "Staff Perspective"

Staff Perspective: Dispelling Misconceptions Around Consultation

Lisa French, Psy.D.

The Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) offers Evidence Based Psychotherapy (EBP) consultation in addition to many EBP training workshops. CDP often receives questions pertaining to consultation and the consultation process. Throughout the work we do at the Center, we have observed several common misconceptions regarding consultation. We hope to dispell some of the more common clinican misconceptions, while answering questions that frequently arise. In addition, we hope to provide a platform for clinicians to discuss any thoughts they may have regarding consultation.

Staff Perspective: The Importance of Provider Sustainment, Self-Care and the Avoidance of Compassion Fatigue

Shortly after I joined the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP), I was asked to be part of a working group to develop a course on provider sustainment, also known more widely as provider self-care.  Although, we did not at the time offer

Staff Perspective: A Look at Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

In today's Staff Perspective column on the CDP's blog, Dr. Mary Brinkmeyer examines Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, an evidence-based intervention, and talks with Dr. Robin Gurwitch, a PCIT trainer, who has been leading an initiative to bring PCIT to military families at installations across the country. Check it out below!
