Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Classical Conditioning and Other Excuses for Talking About My Dog

Kelly Chrestman, Ph.D.

I recently received some feedback on training materials I put together, about how PTSD develops after a combat trauma. I had mentioned that classical conditioning explains how stimuli that occur in close proximity can become associated, resulting in conditioned responses. Of course, I mentioned Pavlov, because, dogs! Right? I might also have mentioned that our family dog salivates and does a little happy dance right on cue every morning when I grind the coffee, just before I walk over and scoop her food into the dish.

CDP News: 16 March 2018

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. We’re already halfway through March and spring is just around the corner!

Research Update: 15 March 2018

Research Update Icon

The weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● Using the Linehan Risk Assessment and Management Protocol With a Chronically Suicidal Patient: A Case Report.
● Predicting Suicide Ideation in the Military: The Independent Role of Aggression.
● Evaluating the Effectiveness of Safety Plans for Military Veterans: Do Safety Plans Tailored to Veteran Characteristics Decrease Suicide Risk?

Staff Perspective: All you need is love? Not quite!

Erin Frick, Psy.D.

When I got married, my bridal shower hostess asked for my guests to give my husband and me advice on having a happy marriage. This wisdom ranged from “Never go to sleep angry” to “Remember that being happy is more important than being right.” All of this seemed to be good, sound advice for a couple who came into the relationship a bit later in life, after we had dealt with most things from our pasts. However, this got me thinking, “What happens to our Service members and Veterans and their significant others when they are unable to put the past in the past due to the multiple stressors of military life and exposure to traumatic events?” 
