Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 19 January 2023

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Sudden gains in therapist-guided versus self-guided online treatments for anxiety or depression.
● Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia with objective short sleep duration phenotype: A systematic review with meta-analysis.
● Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia prevents and alleviates suicidal ideation: insomnia remission is a suicidolytic mechanism.

Staff Perspective: New Military Kids & Families Training Series!

The Center for Deployment Psychology and Kennedy Krieger Institute are working collaboratively on a study focused on enhancing evidenced-based treatment outcomes for military children with developmental and behavioral health needs. This project explores telehealth and tele-education feasibility and best practices to increase access to specialty care and to identify programs and service delivery models to enhance the care and well-being of military-connected children. This project include a series of self-paced online courses which include free CEs.

Research Update: 12 January 2023

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Mental health of U.S. combat veterans by war era: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans study.
● Targeting Perceived Burdensomeness to Reduce Suicide Risk.
● Self-compassion buffers the internalized alcohol stigma and depression link in women sexual assault survivors who drink to cope.

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode “Making Room for Emotion - Emotionally Focused Therapy for Military Couples”

Dr. Jenna Ermold

Let’s face it, romantic relationships can be challenging for many under the best of circumstances requiring attention and hard work to navigate the challenges that life can throw at any couple. Romantic relationships + military service? The challenges can feel like they are on steroids. Frequent moves, separation during training, long work hours, deployments… all very standard military-specific stressors that couples endure on top of the usual life stressors.
