Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices: Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) Measure

Taking a Closer Look at One’s Helping Hands

As mental health providers how often do we ask ourselves, “How am I doing?”  I imagine not often enough.  However, compassion fatigue or burnout can be experienced even by the most dedicated and insightful clinicians.  Our occupational responsibility is to offer a helping hand, but it's also our ethical responsibility to look at our hands for a quick assessment of their health. Are they cracked? Are they dry? Are there any scrapes or cuts? What needs to be done to better take care of them.

Staff Voices: Military Families and Holiday Separations

As 2012 is drawing to a close I find myself caught up in the usual holiday hustle-and-bustle. When I pull out my holiday cards, I am reminded that last year they read “Happy Holidays from San Diego & somewhere in the Western Pacific” – and I am thankful that this year my active-duty Navy husband is home to share in the festivities. We all know that separations are a part of military life, but holiday deployments can make this time of year particularly stressful for military families.

December 21, 2012: CDP News

Happy holidays and welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! Before we take off for Christmas, we’ve got a few things to cover.  First up, today is the final day to register for the CDP’s inaugural UC4-e program to be held at San Diego State University, January 10-11. This session will focus on providing training in Prolonged Exposure Therapy to individuals who have previously participated in our UC4 program. If you can’t make it to this one, we’ve got other events on the calendar and we’ll be adding more in the future. Keep an eye on our UC4-e page to stay up to date on our current schedule.

December 20, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
• An Occupational Mental Health Model for the Military.
• Systematic review and meta-analyses of psychosocial interventions for veterans of the military.
