CDP News: February 22, 2013

CDP News: February 22, 2013

Welcome to this week's CDP News update. We recently received a nice bit of attention for a new panel we implemented in the last iteration of our "Topics in Deployment Psychology" course. There's a great article here talking about the panel which focused on "the mental well-being of deployed gay and lesbian service members". The four-member panel talked about a variety of LBGT issues related to the military. It's a very important topic and we were pleased to be able to incorporate a discussion on it into our training. It was quite well received and we look forward to hosting it again in future iterations.

On the training front, the University Counseling Center Core Competency program visited the University of Florida at Gainesville this week for another successful program. Next up, the UC4 will be headed to North Carolina A&T State  University on March 8.

Next week is the last week to register for our Southwest Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in Phoenix, March 11-15. Registration for that event will end at close of business next Friday, so if you're interested, sign-up quick!  Though if you can't make it out to Phoenix, we're also bringing our 1-week civilian training program to the Oklahoma City metro area April 8-12. Both of these are great opportunities to get some valuable in-person training for the CDP's subject matter experts.

Highlights of the blog this week included a Brief Tour of the CDP's Website and the always handy Research Update.

Finally, as a reminder, if you've been trained in an evidence-based therapy (such as PE or CPT) and have any questions about implementing it in your practice, CDP staff members host a weekly consultation call where providers are able to discuss any problems or questions they may have. Log into the Provider Portal and visit the "Consultation" section for more information on this or other consultation opportunities.

That's it for this week. Have a great weekend all!
