CDP News: Mar. 13, 2015

CDP News: Mar. 13, 2015

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. Next week and beyond is going to be a very busy time here at the CDP, as we’ve got multiple events going on all across the country.

First up, next week we will be headed to Phoenix, AZ for our Pacific Southwest Regional 1-Week Civilian Training. This five-day event will provide instruction in a variety of courses along two tracks, one focusing on PTSD and the other on Health Psychology. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, we’ve already scheduled our next Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in Minneapolis, MN on the 15-19 of June. You can sign up to be notified when registration for this event begins here.

In addition to our civilian training, we’re also hosting the latest iteration of our Topics in Military and Deployment Psychology course. This training, at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD, brings together uniformed behavioral health providers from all branches of military service to provide in-depth training on military- and deployment-related issues facing Service members, their family members, and military behavioral health providers themselves.

If you’re interested in some online training events, we’re happy to announce that registration for the next Cognitive Processing Therapy training via Second Life is now open. This event will take place 2-3 April, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST. Registration for this two-day training is $30 and comes with 13.5 CEUs. Space will be limited for this event. CPT training has been one of our most requested topics recently and we expect this event to reach capacity very quickly. If you’re interested in attending, we suggest signing up today!

We also suggest checking out the four-module Military Culture: Core Competencies for Healthcare Professionals. This free, self-paced online course is designed to help providers gain an understanding of the importance of and breadth of military culture. Each of the four modules in the course is eligible for two CEU credits upon completion of the final exam.

Dr. Debra Nofziger wrote this week’s Staff Perspective column. In it she discusses how PTSD doesn’t happen in a bubble, it impacts not only the Service member or Veteran, but also those with whom they are in a relationship with. To further this point, she takes a look at an article on how relationship qualities can both be impacted by and affect the symptoms of Veterans with PTSD.  Also, don’t forget to take a look at this week’s new Research Update. As always it’s packed with the latest news, articles and useful links and well-worth checking out.

That’s all we’ve got for this time around.  We hope everyone has a great weekend. We’ll see you next week for a new entry in our By the Numbers column.
