By the Numbers - May 11, 2015

By the Numbers - May 11, 2015


The number of reported sexual assaults in the military in FY 2014, according to the recently released Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military (PDF), from the DoD's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office. The report indicated that this represents an 11% increase over fiscal year 2013 numbers. According to the report:

In fiscal year 2014, victims made 4,660 Unrestricted Reports and 1,840 initial Restricted Reports of sexual assault. At the close of fiscal year 2014, 1,471 reports remained Restricted. Over time, the percentage of victims who convert their Restricted Reports to Unrestricted Reports has remained relatively stable with an average of 15%. However, in fiscal year 2014, the conversion rate increased to 20%. 

An Unrestricted Report, according to SAPRO, "is recommended for victims of sexual assault who desire an official investigation and command notification in addition to healthcare, victim advocacy and legal services." A Restricted Report "is for adult victims of sexual assault who wish to confidentially disclose the crime to specifically identified individuals without triggering the official investigative process or notification to command."

Sexual assault is widely acknowledged to be an underreported crime. RAND Corporation released a report earlier this month -- Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Volume 2. Estimates for Department of Defense Service Members from the 2014 RAND Military Workplace Study -- which determined that 20,300 active-component members were sexually assaulted in the past year. 

Also earlier this month, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) issued a report (PDF) examining 107 sexual assault case files from four U.S. military bases. According to this report, 53% of sexual assault survivors were civilians or military spouses.
2014 Annual Report Highlights