By the Numbers - May 19, 2014
The year in which Memorial Day was celebrated for the first time, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The year in which Memorial Day was celebrated for the first time, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events.
The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
● Suicide Prevention and Postvention Resources: What Psychiatry Residencies Can Learn from the Veteran’s Administration Experience.
● Risk for suicidal behaviors associated with alcohol and energy drink use in the US Army.
Last Thursday and Friday, the Center for Deployment Psychology held an online training in Prolonged Exposure Therapy via Second Life. The CDP’s virtual education center played host to a group of providers from around the country as they were instructed in the methods of PE through slides, videos and interactive role-playing elements with their fellow workshop participants.
The percentage of the nation's medical schools that teach military culture, according to a recent article in Army Times, Building cultural bridges between doctors, troops.