Deployment Psychology Blog

Guest Perspective: Behavioral Health Consultation in Primary Care - Core Skills for Any Military Psychologist

I was trained in the Primary Care Behavioral Health Consultation model (PCBH; Robinson & Reiter, 2016) while I was a pre-doctoral clinical psychology resident (intern) in early 2007. As a young U.S. Air Force (USAF) officer and clinician, I found the primary care rotation to be exciting and exhausting. However, as a colleague of mine says, the primary care bug bit hard and I was hooked! I enjoyed the fast-paced generalist environment and the need to be prepared for anything. After graduation, I was fortunate to continue doing part-time PCBH work until I separated from the USAF in 2015. The USAF calls their PCBH program the Behavioral Health Optimization Program, a.k.a. BHOP (USAF, 2014). I BHOPped along for a few years until I was certified as an official “mentor” by Patti Robinson in 2011. For three years thereafter, I trained residents in BHOP. I truly had no idea that the skills I learned during my residency rotation would prove so valuable not just in primary care clinics, but also in a variety of other military settings, including the deployed environment.

By the Numbers - May 9, 2016


The percentage of soldiers deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 who "reported falling asleep on guard duty," according to an article published online before print in the journal Military Behavioral Health -- The Impact of Insufficient Sleep on Combat Mission Performance. The researchers indicate that this was "significantly associated with the number of hours of sleep per day."

CDP News: May 6, 2016

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. We’ve got lots of exciting events on the calendar this time around. Let’s see what’s coming up.

Research Update: May 5, 2016

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

● True Evidence-Based Care for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Personnel and Veterans.
● The Meaning of Evidence-Based Treatments for Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Staff Perspective: A Military Family’s Dilemma About Moving

I want to expand upon an issue raised by Dr. Jennifer Philips in her blog on military children’s resilience.  Dr. Phillips explored some of the positive outcomes of military children who experience frequent relocations.   Moving is a universal experience of military families, but it becomes even more complicated when the children in the family are in high school.
