Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 3 October 2019

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

● Clinical depression in untreated obstructive sleep apnea: examining predictors and a meta-analysis of prevalence rates.
● Fatal and Non-fatal Self-Injury in the USA: Critical Review of Current Trends and Innovations in Prevention.
● Clinical Efficacy of Ketamine for Treatment-resistant Depression.

Staff Perspective: The Role of Social Media in Suicide Prevention

The Internet has become an increasingly powerful form of information dissemination and communication media over the last two decades. Even more recently, the Internet has been leveraged for the treatment of a wide range of health-related problems. All the while, social media platforms have been increasingly used for the expression of suicidal thoughts and feelings. Despite this, little is known about the ways in which social media can be used for suicide prevention (Karras et al., 2018).

CDP News: 27 September 2019

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. It's officially fall, even if the weather at CDP headquarters doesn't feel like it.

Staff Perspective: Uniting for Suicide Postvention

Grieving the death of a loved one is never easy. When someone dies by suicide, there can be additional challenges and emotions for those left behind. Many people are profoundly affected when someone dies by suicide, including family, friends, co-workers, and providers. In fact, entire communities can be affected by a suicide loss. Given what we know about the effects of suicide loss, having access to suicide postvention resources is critical to supporting suicide loss survivors.
