July 5, 2012: Research Update
• Effectiveness of a manualized imagery rehearsal therapy for patients suffering from nightmare disorders with and without a comorbidity of depression or PTSD.
The percentage of U.S. service members infected with HIV who receive a mental health diagnosis six or more months after the infection was first detected, according to an article (PDF) in the May 2012 issue of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center's Medical Surveillance Monthly Report.
We're wrapping up the month of June on a high note here at the CDP. We've been out and about presenting this week. Today Dr. Diana Sermanian is presenting the keynote address on "Military Culture, an overview of CBT - Insomnia and an overview of Imagery Rescripting Therapy" at the NASW - NYS Veterans Mental Health Initiative.
Smart phones, they’re everywhere. In fact, currently there are approximately 91.4 million smartphones in the United States alone. Whether or not you have one and no matter your views on how good, bad or ugly smartphones are for society, statistically speaking the probability that your clients wear one like an extra appendage is very high. In fact, approximately 3 out of 5 clients aged 25 – 34 own a smartphone, which is more than any other age group.